What programming language is used in Unreal Engine?

Unreal Engine is a popular game development platform that allows developers to create immersive, interactive experiences for various platforms. While the majority of Unreal Engine’s functionality is exposed through its visual scripting tools and editor, it also supports a number of programming languages that can be used to extend and customize the engine.


C++ is the primary programming language used by Unreal Engine. It is a powerful and versatile language that provides developers with direct access to the engine’s low-level systems, allowing for high-performance optimization and customization.

Advantages of Using C++ in Unreal Engine

  • Low-level access: With C++, developers have direct access to the engine’s low-level systems, allowing for fine-grained optimization and customization.
  • Performance: C++ is a compiled language, which means that it can execute much faster than interpreted languages like Blueprints or C. This makes it ideal for high-performance tasks such as rendering graphics and physics simulations.
  • Community support: The Unreal Engine community is very active, with numerous resources available for learning and troubleshooting C++ code.

Disadvantages of Using C++ in Unreal Engine

  • Steep learning curve: C++ can be a challenging language to learn, especially for developers who are used to interpreted languages like Blueprints or C.
  • Complexity: C++ is a complex language with many advanced features and concepts, which can make it difficult for beginners to get started.
  • Debugging: Debugging C++ code can be more difficult than debugging code written in other languages, due to the lack of built-in debugging tools and the need for manual memory management.


C is a high-level programming language that is used extensively in Unreal Engine. It is an object-oriented language that is similar in syntax to Java and C++, but with some additional features such as garbage collection and automatic memory management. C is commonly used for scripting tasks within the engine, as well as for developing plugins and custom modules.

Advantages of Using C in Unreal Engine


  • Ease of use: C is a high-level language that is easy to read and write, making it a good choice for beginners.
  • Speed: While not as fast as C++, C is still a compiled language that can execute quickly.
  • Productivity: With C, developers can create complex scripts and modules quickly and efficiently, allowing for faster development cycles.

Disadvantages of Using C in Unreal Engine

  • Limited access: While C provides access to many features within the engine, it does not provide the same level of low-level control as C++.
  • Performance: As a compiled language, C can still be slower than interpreted languages like Blueprints, especially for tasks that require high performance.
  • Debugging: Debugging C code can be more difficult than debugging code written in other languages, due to the lack of built-in debugging tools and the need for manual memory management.


Blueprints is a visual scripting language that is used within Unreal Engine to create complex behaviors and logic without the need for coding. It is based on a drag-and-drop interface, allowing developers to connect various nodes and functions together to create custom scripts.