Why do programmers dislike C++?

As a programming language, C++ has been widely used for decades due to its flexibility and efficiency in handling complex data structures and algorithms. However, despite its numerous advantages, it is not without its drawbacks and limitations, which have made it a source of frustration for many programmers.


In this article, we will delve into some of the reasons why programmers dislike C++, while also highlighting its strengths and potential uses.

The Complexity of C++

One of the primary reasons why programmers dislike C++ is its complex syntax and semantics. The language has a steep learning curve, with many rules and conventions that need to be mastered before one can write efficient and error-free code.

Additionally, the language’s lack of abstraction means that programmers have to manage memory allocation and deallocation manually, which can be time-consuming and prone to errors.

The Performance Issues

Another reason why programmers dislike C++ is its emphasis on speed and performance. While this can be a major advantage in certain applications, it also means that the language is not well-suited for tasks that require flexibility or adaptability.

For example, if you need to make changes to your code quickly, you may find that C++’s rigid syntax and lack of dynamic typing can make it difficult to modify your code without introducing errors or performance issues.

The Lack of Standard Library Support

C++ has a relatively small standard library compared to other programming languages, which means that programmers often have to write their own libraries from scratch. This can be time-consuming and frustrating, especially when there are already established libraries available for other languages that can perform the same tasks with less code.

The Lack of Standard Library Support

The Portability Issues

C++ is a platform-specific language, which means that you need to write separate versions of your code for each operating system or hardware platform. This can be frustrating for programmers who want to write once-and-run code that works across multiple platforms without the need for extensive porting.

The Lack of Community Support

Despite its popularity, C++ has a relatively small community compared to other programming languages. This means that there are fewer resources available for learning and troubleshooting, as well as fewer opportunities to collaborate with other programmers.


While C++ has its limitations and drawbacks, it is also a powerful and versatile language that can be used for a wide range of applications. For programmers who are willing to put in the time and effort to learn and master the language, the rewards can be significant in terms of performance, efficiency, and flexibility. However, for those who value simplicity, flexibility, and community support, other programming languages may be better suited to their needs. Ultimately, the choice between C++ and other programming languages depends on individual preferences and requirements.